Spinal Flow

Practising Spinal Flow Technique in Newcastle


What is Spinal Flow Technique?

Spinal flow technique is a unique, non-invasive therapeutic method that focuses on the body's innate ability to heal itself. It’s designed to address the nervous system and spinal health by identifying and releasing blockages that may inhibit the body's natural healing processes. At Samsara Energy Wellness & Spinal Flow in Newcastle, we target any areas of disconnection within your body to encourage an intrinsic and holistic approach to your healing.

So, what’s involved? Spinal flow technique combines elements of chiropractic medicine science, kinesiology and energy healing. The technique involves gently touching different areas along the spine, which correlate to specific areas within the central nervous system. Our head practitioner, Dale, will assess each touchpoint for blockages and apply the appropriate pressure to try to open the body's self-healing responses. By addressing these areas, spinal flow technique aims to restore optimal communication between the central nervous system and the body.

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  • Somatic and Spiritual Spine Connection Diagram — Spinal Flow Technique in Newcastle

  • Young Female Receiving Massage From Therapist — Spinal Flow Technique in Newcastle


Potential Benefits of SFT

The potential benefits of trying spinal flow technique can include improved posture, pain relief, increased energy levels, reduced stress and enhanced mental clarity. It may also inspire improved connection between the brain, spine and all organs. By promoting optimal communication within the nervous system and addressing areas of disconnection, spinal flow technique can contribute to a greater sense of wellbeing and resilience.

One of the key principles behind SFT is the concept of neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to various stimuli. By working with the nervous system in this way, spinal flow technique can encourage the body to re-establish balance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is spinal flow technique safe?

    SFT is generally considered safe as it is non-invasive and involves gentle touching along the spine. However, as with any therapy, individual experiences may vary. It’s important to consult with a certified spinal flow practitioner who can assess your specific needs and determine if SFT is suitable for you. 

  • How does spinal flow technique differ from traditional chiropractic care?

    While both SFT and chiropractic care focus on spinal health and the nervous system, they differ in their approach. Traditional chiropractic care typically involves manual adjustments and manipulations of the spine and joints to restore alignment and improve function. In contrast, SFT uses gentle touchpoints along the spine to identify and release blockages within the central nervous system and encourage the body's self-healing response.

  • Can spinal flow technique be combined with other therapies or treatments?

    SFT can be combined with other therapies or treatments, depending on the individual's needs and goals. Since SFT focuses on the nervous system and spinal health, it may complement various modalities such as massage therapy, acupuncture or physical therapy. However, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider and SFT practitioner to determine the most appropriate combination of therapies for your specific situation.

  • Is spinal flow technique suitable for all ages and health conditions?

    SFT is suitable for individuals of all ages including babies, children and seniors. However, the suitability of SFT for specific health conditions should be determined on a case-by-case basis. It's important to consult with a certified spinal flow technique practitioner who can assess your individual needs and medical history to determine if SFT is appropriate for you.

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  • 7 Gateways of the Spine Diagram — Spinal Flow Technique in Newcastle

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  • Side View of a Girl Laying on a Tilted Table — Spinal Flow Technique in Newcastle


Make A Booking

Contact Dale on 0406 426 078 to book a spinal flow technique appointment in Newcastle. Your first session will take approximately 60-90 minutes and will include a review of your health history, a postural and physical assessment, explanation of the spinal flow technique and a 30-minute treatment session. For all further enquiries, reach out to Dale today.

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